Voigtlander Ultron 40mm f2 SL II Aspherical Review: Latest scores for alternative 3rd party standard prime for Nikon & Canon
Introduction Voigtlander Ultron 40mm f2 SL II Aspherical Introduction: Apetite manual focus prime with a versatile focal lengthThe Voigtlander Ultron 40mm f/2 SL II Aspherical (Voigtlander 40mm f2) is a manual focus, ‘standard’ focal length prime lens available in Nikon and Canon mounts. Compatible with virtually all Nikon/Canon DSLRs and film SLRs, 40mm on full frame bodies offers a great focal length for a range of subjects including candid and street photography. On smaller crop sensors, the focal length extension to around 60mm makes it a little less versatile, but good for portraiture, particularly utilising the